Play Well 7
Program Overview: PlayWell 7
PlayWell 7 is designed to strengthen your mental resilience, improve your focus, and build your self-esteem and self-awareness. Just as physical training strengthens the body, mental exercises can strengthen the mind, making it more resilient and goal-oriented.
Program Content and Goals:
1. Calm: Introduction to the basics of mental relaxation. Emphasizing the power of laughter and reflecting on the three best events of the day to foster positivity.
2. Acceptance: Skills to accept one's own feelings and thoughts without judgment, which is crucial for mental strength.
3. Situation: Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to analyze situations and understand the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
4. Goal Setting: Focusing on setting the right types of goals, including process and performance goals, rather than just outcome goals.
5. Evaluation: Reflecting on progress and development, and appreciating personal growth.
6. Tail Wind: Techniques to find and maintain a state of "momentum," where the individual is fully engaged and performing at their best.
7. Celebration: Concluding with celebrating successes and setting new goals for the future.
Key Focus Areas:
-Managing Pressure and Stress: Learning techniques to stay calm and focused in pressured situations.
- Improving Self-Esteem: Building a stronger self-image and increasing confidence in one's own abilities.
- Setting and Achieving Goals: The ability to set relevant and achievable goals and the steps needed to reach them.
- Handling Setbacks: Developing a mindset that views setbacks as opportunities for learning and personal growth.
PlayWell 7 is a journey towards mental strength and self-awareness, with practical techniques and exercises that can be integrated into your daily life to achieve better balance and higher performance.
Our App and program "PlayWell7" is now available. We primarily target youth and young adults, either directly or through associations/schools.
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